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Looking unto Jesus...

the Way, the Truth, the Life

Sunday Services -

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship Service 10:30 am


Wednesday Services -

Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm


* Nursery provided for all services





Bible Baptist Church is an Independent, Bible-based, fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ gathering together in Hancock, Maine


Independent in that we are a Baptist church in belief and practice, but with no direct ties to any denominational orgainization.


Bible-based as to our doctrines and practices.  We believe all church function should be based on the examples set forth in the New Testament.  All principles of life can be found in the Bible; therefore, we as a congregation, endeavor to live our lives in accordance with God's Word.


A fellowship of believers means we gather together for the encouragement of one another.  We endeavor to show to others our discipleship to Christ by our love for one another.


By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another

- John 13:35


We are a fellowship that uplifts, forgives, prays, honors, serves each other and bears one another's burdens in the unity of Christ.


We believe God has placed us in this community to minister His love and His grace to those in need.  For those looking for answers to life’s questions, we offer the Word of God and abundant life through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior.


For those facing physical and emotional needs, we offer a loving, friendly congregation of believers who will show you the love of Christ.  They will pray for you and encourage you.  They will uphold you through the difficult times of life.


If you are in need of a loving Savior and a loving family to help through life's journey, consider Bible Baptist Church.  We would be thrilled to introduce you to Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior, who died for your sins and made Heaven a possibility for you.  And we would be pleased to have you as part of the family of God.

© 2014-2023 by Bible Baptist Church-Hancock

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