986 U.S. Highway 1
Hancock, ME 04640
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1
Ellsworth, ME 04605
Phone: 207 422-0133

Steven Hersey
Bio: Steve grew up in a Christian home. His parents were saved when he was three years old. His dad was a deacon and both of his parents taught Sunday School. As a child, Steve was influenced by the many missionaries, evangelists, and Child Evangelism Fellowship workers who were invited to meet at or stay in his parents' home. So the gospel witness was ever present in his life.
Steve gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of eleven during revival meetings at his home church, First Baptist Church of Hartland, Maine. A few years later, at the age of fifteen, he surrendered to the Lord's service during meetings with Missionary Bob Philbrick.
After attending Bob Jones University and receiving a Master's degree in Education Administration, Steve came back to Hartland to help with the beginning of Hartland Christian School, where he worked for four years before becoming the Executive Director of the Maine Association of Christian Schools.
Later, Steve served in ministries in the Ft. Lauderdale area as a teacher, bookkeeper, and pastoral staff, under Pastor Jerry Williamson. During this time, Steve was licensed to preach the gospel by Calvary Baptist Church, Ft. Lauderdale (now First Baptist Church of Coconut Creek).
After a return to his home church in Hartland for thirteen years, serving with Pastor Norman Finnemore and two years in Dothan, Alabama with Pastor Bill Schneider, Steve is once again back in Maine. He served at Bible Baptist Church as an assistant pastor for four years before the church asked him to become their pastor in October of 2013.
Steve is blessed to have his wife, Bonnie, daughter, Angela, and son-in-law, Jared, serving with him in the ministry of Bible Baptist Church.